Daniel Lantz grave

To visit the grave of pioneer Daniel Lantz, of Centerville, Ind., who died in 1850 on his way to gold-rush California, take I-80 exit 66 in southwestern Wyoming and head northwest on U.S. 30 toward Granger. After about five miles, instead of entering Granger, stay on Rte. 30. Proceed over a railroad overpass and then turn right—north—after about 200 yards. Take this gravel road toward the FMC mine; there are signs for the mine.

The grave is about 3.3 miles from the turnoff on the right side of the road. If traveling east on U.S. 30, turn left before reaching the overpass.

The grave is surrounded by a wooden rail fence. Inside the fence are the grave and a historical marker placed by the Oregon-California Trail Association.