Saving a scenic treasure, and an enterprising farmer

This month we feature a threatened area and abundant evidence from the past.

Success for nature lovers

Howard Zahniser (1906-1964), a Washington, D.C.–based leader of The Wilderness Society, was the chief author of and lobbyist for the 1964 Wilderness Act. Much of his inspiration, and one of his earliest preservation victories, came at Lake Solitude in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains. Read more in John Clayton's article, “Howard Zahniser, Lake Solitude and the Wilderness Act of 1964.”

Diversifying their operation

In 1890 Confederate veteran Frank Nevin established a small, 160-acre homestead southeast of Rawlins. As the old open-range system was fast disappearing, he and his family grew vegetables and ran small herds of cattle and sheep. Archaeological excavations at the site have provided rich information about these changing times on the range. Read more in David Johnson’s article, “The Frank Nevin Homestead, Carbon County, Wyoming.

New roving archivist

Linda Sampson is the new roving archivist with the Wyoming State Archives in partnership with Wyoming State Records Advisory Board and the American Heritage Center. As the roving archivist, Sampson will travel to various repositories throughout the state, providing expert guidance on best practices encompassing the management, arrangement, preservation, acquisition and access of archival materials. Sampson shares, “I am excited to be a part of the Roving Archivist Program. By visiting Wyoming’s cultural heritage institutions with the knowledge and tools necessary to preserve our state’s rich history for future generations, we will make a lasting impact on the preservation of Wyoming’s heritage.”

For more information or to apply for the program, click here.

Wyoming Historical Society Launches Its New Online Store!

Shop for all of the best Wyoming history merchandise here. You can also support with a donation.

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Frank Canton, Western Bad Man and Human Being
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Finding the Forgotten Senator
Some might think that writing a historical book is a boring process of sifting through archives, but in the case of “The Forgotten Senator” this was nothing short of an adventure that led to an unusual format for the book.

Upcoming Events around Wyoming

For August calendar events, visit the Wyoming Historical Society’s website. If you know of upcoming history-related events in Wyoming, send a note to

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