Congress of Strings

Richard Rognstad

Rick Rognstad, cello and bass, played cello in the Casper Civic Symphony while in high school and also as an import during the years he attended college in Colorado. He won the Young Artist Competition on bass as a high school junior.

Andrea DiGregorio

Andrea (Reynolds) DiGregorio, cello, joined the Casper Youth Symphony sometime during her junior high school years, younger than most students. She won the Civic Symphony Young Artist Competition when in high school.

Dale Bohren

Dale Bohren played in the Civic Symphony bass section while in high school and later, during the Casper Symphony years, played in the orchestra including sometimes as principal bass. During the Wyoming Symphony’s first years he was executive director, pulling the orchestra out of a major financial slump.

Rebecca Hein

Rebecca Hein began playing cello in the Casper Civic Symphony as a high school sophomore, in September 1971. She played all through high school, and as an import from the University of Wyoming through May 1977. From 1992 through 1999, she served as principal cello in the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra.

John Kirk

John Kirk was principal cello of the Casper Symphony Orchestra from 1981 to 1983. His position was the first of conductor Curtis Peacock’s project to supply the orchestra with key “core musicians:” professional-caliber performers whose job was to provide leadership for their section.

John Stovall

John Stovall played bass in the Casper Civic Symphony while in high school. Traveling further, geographically and professionally, than any other Casper classical musician, he ended up in the Boston Symphony Orchestra, where he still plays in the bass section.